How to SAVE money on textbooks, just a sharing!

Oolala, summer is staying while Fall is coming! How can I explain how much I love schools and having classes without getting those “are you serious?” eyes? Well, putting my excitement aside, here comes the worries about new semester “bleeding” for every budget tied college folks. Everyone knows how ridiculous textbooks prices are!

If you are one of us, you are in the right page. Here we goes and starts saving!

I’m an art students, so many of my classes doesn’t need a textbook, so for the coming semester I need two textbooks. Here is the one, for Human Anatomy! Let’s take this one as the example. You go to your campus bookstore website, normally they have scary number. Don’t laugh, I rent all my textbooks from them my first semester in America. This one they rent out for 76.56 dollars, almost the same price for etextbook rent.

Your Customized Textbook List---Mississippi University for Women-Bookstore

If you don’t know, you should go and check it right now. Copy the ISDN and search in bookfinder. You can find different offer from a big number of websites. Much better than you search them one by one and compare the prices by yourself. Search for New & Used Books, Textbooks, Out-of-Print and Rare BooksHere is the result! You got a brand new one at around 53 and a second hand one at 49. Pay attention here! The second hand one shows it is international edition. Here is how AbeBooks describes international edition textbooks:

“Looking for affordable textbooks? Consider international editions – textbooks that have been published outside the US. These books are usually significantly cheaper than textbooks published in the US. Offering tremendous value, international edition textbooks are created to be sold in different regions and are often printed on cheaper paper and are usually softcover. The content may be the same as the U.S. version, or may have differences such as the book cover, ISBN, pagination, or region code

Customers located in the US can now purchase international edition textbooks.  However, note that the publishers of international editions generally do not authorize the sale and distribution of international editions in Canada and such sale or distribution may violate the copyrights and trademarks of the publishers of such works.”

3But wait a second, can we find cheaper ones? Here using google, we can find the ISDN for international edition. which is usually not the same as the edition we find on campus bookstore.



Now we got the ISDN, go back and check in bookfinder again, and that’s where we were leaded. Here is one at 29.99, second hand in Amazon. Sorry I got the one at 28 dollar.



Final action, order it. The shipping fee is 3.99 dollars, so the totally fee is 31.99 dollars. Compared to the beginning 75 dollars for rent, we got our own book for even less than half price. After semester goes, you can sell it again, and get some more money back.


Well, that’s all about searching cheap textbooks. I’m sure there are many others ways you can find good prices, I have a friend who can find free etextbooks online and you can also check libraries. Yeah, I know I have another textbook I need to get, it’s for 19 century European Art History. Since I just got the call from my campus library that they are holding the book for me, so… I’m ready for my new exciting semester!

Enjoy your rest  of the holiday!





Miss. Lulu’s Art Classes

Let me introduce you to the new art teacher in Columbus Art Council! Haha, yes I became a teacher again after my teaching in South Korea and China. Can’t be more excited!

After solving all my drivers’ license, CPT, offer and visa problem, I started my teaching in Art Council Summer Camp in June.

student's work Chloe was not really confident with drawing, usually she would be the first one shouting: ” No, I can’t do that!” But she told me that she had a sister who was a wonderful fashion designer and she was so proud of her. So I asked her if she wanted to design something herself, too. Take a look her first design! I just love it!

photography class Teaching photography with those kids can be always inspiring and fun. They are energetic, smart and always eager to learn new things. We went outside, tried to catch motion at different shutter speed. We also tried cyanotype photography. We even made a paper camera by ourselves! Time just goes too fast!

Liz is copying her Chinese nameI’m surprised by their interests in Chinese culture. They never stopped asking me write their names in Chinese, asking if Mulan is real, asking about Great Wall and schools in China…. Most time in America, I will be told or forced to listen other people’s opinions about China or Asia, most time, people believed in our own ideas and closed the door for a second thought. Sometimes, having a open mind like a kid become such a challenge. A lesson for all of us, the adults believing “I’m right”.

Eyes on New York


My late traveling note


It’s about a week since we arrived NYC. Walking in the messy subway stations, there are always some new idea jumping out, about NY, changing all the time. You can never catch it before you write it down.


It was a early morning we set off to our new journey. A shining limo parking in front of our campus gate ready to drive us to the nearby train station ( before I got my lovely mercury, that was our only way leaving Columbus), the drivers open the door for us. Here we go!Our brand new winter journey! It was a three-week travel, Louise and I visited Atlanta, New York, New Jersey, Boston and Washington DC. Driving all the way from Washington D.C. back to Columbus, MS, when Jonathan, our awesome friend picked us up in Washington, just imagine how much we miss our little southern town! We enjoyed one more Chinese meal in China Town, and said byebye to Washington.

我们整整两周的时间都耗在了纽约城,这座城市复杂而充满故事,却完全不如想象中高高在上盛气凌人。我想纽约的气势在于她的不在乎,她不在乎你对其的看法,任由杂乱拥挤,她只顾自己。有张明信片上就用涂鸦的文字写着“You can’t stop New York City.(你无法阻止纽约城。)”身处纽约,你要么旁观,要么放弃,要么投身进步履匆忙的人群,成为纽约的一部分。纽约从不为谁改变。这样一座城市,是需要消耗精力去适应进而享受的。

Two in three week traveling, we spend in NYC. It’s complicated and full of stories, but surprisingly, not as ( to be continued…)



纽约的住宿贵得吓人,一天晚上一间普通的房间往往要一百到三百美金不等。而且据说圣诞新年这样的假期,纽约的空房率从来没有高过百分之十五,Lonely planet甚至建议半年前就开始找地方住。为了弄到住的地方我们也是颇费了一番心思。每天发上十来封邮件四处搜索,最后终于弄到了纽约中央公园北边一间公寓,公寓本身是一百二十美金一天再加上百分之十四点多的税,有两个卧室,一个客厅,一个厨房,一个卫生间,房间非常舒服,厨房也是设施齐备。大概是在纽约找房子太不容易,我在couchsurfing上发了个帖子后,很多人都回复愿意跟我们合租。我跟其中几个看起来比较靠谱的沙发客联系了,最终确定了一个台湾的摄影师,一个加拿大的厨师,一个纽约大学的交换生,还有一个卡梅隆大学的中国留学生一起租房。就这样,我们刚到纽约不仅交上了好些有意思的朋友,也把住宿费大大压缩了下。



纽约的匆忙拥挤会让人渴望清净,书店和图书馆成了最吸引我的地方。Strand Bookstore,这间世界上最大的二手书店,是我最爱的纽约的一部分。美国的书籍一向贵的吓人,在这里却能搜寻到几美金的好书,我忍不住买了好几本一直特别想看的小说还有一本包含全美国的lonely planet,这系列的旅行圣经一直是我最喜欢的,另外我还在唐人街找到了一个中文书店弄到了一本有关旅行的中文书《独立,从一个人的旅行开始》。于是睡觉前,在地铁里和咖啡馆的时间都成了我的阅读时间,古语说:“读万卷书,行万里路。”可以一边旅行一边读一些好书,多惬意。


我常常问自己旅行的意义是什么,为什么非要离开安逸舒适熟悉的床铺跑到一个从未踏及的地盘里折腾。 《独立,从一个人旅行开始》说旅行多少是为了逃避现实,我不太同意。为什么旅行就不能是现实?就好像在中国有种说法,念书的大学生是不了解现实的,但是到底什么是现实?我们去超市买菜做饭,跟路人打招呼,找工作挣钱,考驾照,去健身房锻炼,洗碗打扫房间,谈恋爱,吵架,看书看电影……为什么不能是现实?如果我们的生活不是现实,那是不是说我们就生活在虚拟中?或者明了说,说这样的话人可能认为不用工作,太美好或太单纯就不算是现实,因为现实”必定“是令人倦怠无奈的,因为这多少是他们从自己的生活或者道听途说中得出的结论。我认为,把美好的事物简单地排除在”现实“之外跟王小波笔下文革时军代表论小红书以外的书都是祸害是一个思维模式。旅途中的所闻所见,比其躲在家中嚼舌根所得到的现实要多得多。当然跟着导游四处送钱的旅行不太能算在内。说“用旅行来逃离现实”,其实只是逃离自己弄糟的一部分生活而已,面对是是另一种生活,也是现实。焦头烂额地考虑住宿,门票,车费,景点真是能让人转移注意力的好途径。其实这次旅行我的私心也算类似,除了出门走走,也是跳出一个圈子,给自己更多选择,然后才能决定一些事情。走的地方多了,会发现如果困囿于一个地方就很难做出最佳选择,这大概就是人们常说是视野吧。

NYC, I’m coming!

Ha, I’m back to this blog again after my super Thanksgiving day with my friend Tiffany’s family and great trip in Memphis!


Now I’m preparing for my trip to Atlanta, NYC, Boston and Washinton D.C. ! Well, prepare in our own way. NYC is so full in their hotel, hostel and everywhere. But we are so glad we got a pretty great suite, and some awesome roommates from couchsurfering.

I have been a couchsurfer for almost two years, and it just brings me so much fun and unpredictable experience.  If you don’t know what’s couchsurfing, check it, you might get a free location to stay, some super awesome people to meet and most important,  meaningful exchanging of experience and connections with people from all around the world.

It’s so hard to get a place to stay in NYC during Christmas break especially late like us to book, but luckily we are not alone, I post in couchsurfing said I found a great suite and want to share with some people, and I found a sweet NYU girl, a Canadian chef, a photographer, and a student from China like me and my friend Louise. All of us have trouble to find a host and an affordable bed. so we share a big apartment, which has two bedrooms, a living room with two couches and a kitchen! Can’t wait to start our journey now!

Louise and I also found a coupon for  the super famous Radio City Christmas Spectacular and bought two great seat with half price. Ha, a beautiful night enjoying Radio City Music Hall. It will be great.

Thanks for my professor’s help, I got lonely planet about NYC and some near places. I know I will have another great trip in my life again.

Yeah, we are about to start! 22th, Atlanta, NY, Boston and Washinton, WE ARE COMING!

over the pacific 2

平时上QQ的时候北京都还在睡眠状态。今天却跳出一条信息“一个月了哦。”突然觉得真的应该写点东西了。错过了很多东西没有记下了。初到时orientation,prof. Bennet变着法子给我们上英文课,欢迎周的各种活动各种party。学长送我们几个去过一次TJ mart,我买了一套衣服,一条CK的裙子,据说在国内要上千块,那天折价,二十刀搞定。这下中西礼服都备齐了。
Prof. Pieshel是我女性学的adviser,也是我的英文写作2上的教授。昨天刚过55岁生日,收到的画像和蛋糕她都统统放在了facebook上。我猜她大概有所有学生的facebook,每天上线都会看到她的头像前一个绿点点,是一个相当活跃又social的老师。第一次见她是在她办公室。本来是去见我女性学的adviser,聊选课什么的。结果扯着扯着,她给我一报纸,上面是她儿子和她的日本准儿媳妇,就开始扯起她在日本的奇闻异事,最后竟然以我给她录了几首歌收尾。选了pieshel教授的课之后见她的次数就多了。大概因为我是唯一的国际学生,而且又是跳过了1,直接选了英文写作2,不管我写的什么她都说很好很好。在pieshel的课上,我们并没有直接讲如何写作,更多的是针对问题表达自己的观点。但不知为什么,写作还真是进步神速。上次课上,我的critique竟然被小组选出来做范文来评论。Pieshel把我们的文章投影上去,一句一句地评,好不细致。ruth说“it’s a pretty good paper, you don’t even come from US.” 当时觉得特别自豪。
继续说下去就要提到我的专业了。从高中跳到大学那段,失去了去香港读大学的机会,在国内读什么,在哪儿读我都是没怎么在意的。到现在为止,我都挺感激老爸给我挑的学校和专业。想想他当时竟然敢给我报一个连自己都不知道是什么的专业,我都很佩服我老爸的勇气。就这样的冷门还真让我给爆了。我去了韩国,来了美国。在中国,专业是最重要的东西,选了就不好改了。但我一直认为,我学女性学是我塑造性格的过程,不是我的未来,更不是我的职业。这门学科教我思考和独立。我受用至今。但除了我的思维方式,我在大学更想要找到的是我的未来。我一向是个执拗的孩子,我认定的我就会去做,去韩国,我并没有对着女院的课表选课好回来换学分。三百多门课任选,我把自己感兴趣的课程都尝试了一遍。跨度颇大,从法律,商业沟通,摄影,心理学到语言。学期末,我全A结业。但更重要的是,在韩国的一学期,我知道了虽然我的商业沟通是A+,但我不会愿意用这种方式去跟人说话。虽然我社会心理学学得很好,但是这只会是我认识和思考的工具之一。只有在摄影时,我在用自己全身心去探索,我迷上那种自己都会惊讶与光影交汇的成果时的感受。还记得yujung教授从一开始的引导到只后的完全放开让我自己去拍,直至期末她那么卖力地帮我争取展览的位置。虽然因为美国的项目急着回来,我的作品没有来得及做完,但她当时说的话我还记着”you take 10 when I give you 1,so I want to give you as much as I can.” 她常常跟我聊起我选课时候的插曲,说我一定是有说服人的天赋,她都不知道为什么会让我进入她的雕塑课上学摄影。
我觉得我好运就在此,虽说偶尔有些不如意,但是我的生活列车从是回到我理想的轨道上有条不紊地前行。在梨大结束了学业后,我又成功申请到了密大的项目,密大给我的专业是跨学科,一开始我并不知道这到底意味着什么,我只是一心想沿着我能及的光亮向上爬。一直到准备签证的时候,我才去查我的专业资料。跨学科的学生可以任性两到三门专业同时学习,跟辅修不同的是,我可以完全自由地随时选择各专业修多少个学分。到了W,在orientation的时候第一次见了prof. whitehead,她也是一直帮着我的教授之一,她也教女性学的课,所以特别关心我的状况,偶尔还会发个邮件问我情况,问我要不要帮忙。她问我打算学什么专业。我说摄影和女性学,又加了一句,这样的搭配会不会很怪?其实我一直觉得这样的组合很有意思,因为摄影上我偏向人像,女性学中我偏向于个人口述研究之类的,如果要做project,两个搭配起来简直是完美。但这是我第一次简单直白地跟别人说,我要修摄影和女性学。还是顾忌着,毕竟在国内就被老妈说要学些有用的东西。国内的固定思维是艺术是文化课成绩不行的学生才弄的。连pieshel都跟我表演过中国人说“it’s a artist”时的表情。但whitehead赶紧说怎么会,我觉得很有意思。我们还打算发展一批设计和化学跨学科的学生呢,然后跟我绘声绘色地描绘了一番她的理想前景,说得我好不激动。顿时信心倍增。自那时起,别人再问,我都是颇为自豪地说我修摄影和女性学。还真总有同学说“oh,it’s so cool!”当时whitehead告诉我跨学科很难读,毕业是一个很大的Project,我的论文可能是二十页的,再加上摄影作品。她说我的口语肯定没问题,但是想要确定我的学术英文水平能不能读跨学科这个专业。
这样就要提到我们orientation的英文老师bennet!bennet是我在W的第一个教授,他在学期前给我们做english tutoring。总是想方设法变着法子让我们玩游戏。还记得最后一堂课我们做模拟法庭。他让我做被告人,他是法官,其他几个同学都扮演自己的角色。原材料是一篇跟圣诞节有关的案子。等原告和证人们都说完,bennet要我发言,我从圣诞节的起源开始扯,扯到美国的金融危机,扯到圣诞节对美国的意义,大道理一堆一堆。现在想起了还很好笑。他总是给我们带来很多搞笑的材料。用来猜故事结尾,辩论或者做采访。Whitehead说要确认我的学术英文水平时就是找的bennet,whitehead之后的回信我印象很深,她说bennet教授说,他相信我的英文一定会有很大的进步。他们都认为我可以读这个专业。bennet教授没有说我的英文很好,完全没问题,或者我的英语一般,但是可以将就之类的。而是说将来的我一定可以做到,既给我信心,又给我动力。我想他一定是我见过最聪明的老师之一。
一写竟然这么长了。但是我真的是想写写我的摄影课教授。在正式进入艺术学院后,我也可以修一些必修的基础课程,比如画画1和下学期的设计1。永远都充满活力的Mr. Dickey和对我们的画画抗压抗糟力无比强大的alexander教授,我都愿意留下无数笔墨来描绘。我也想分享我在艺术课上的成果。比如我的两次绘画作业都在全体评论下被评为优秀作品。比如我第一次用一个长得像罐头的摄影机用19世纪的方式拍下了用Mr. Dickey的话说是颇有19世纪气息的建筑摄影。比如我终于拿到了我的第一台胶片相机,我的狗屎运一直陪伴着我,我竟然成了唯一一个拿到宾得ME super的人,其他人拿到的都是宾得k1000。
我还想说说我修的世界历史,从如何苦逼地挣扎地读完教材到被古希腊的惊心动魄迷得天天捧着斯巴达和亚历山大大帝的书来看。还有我的gender development,这门除了我全部是大四的学生的高级心理学课,从我最担心的课转变到了对我而言相当轻松的一门课。老爸天天跟我说学习不要太累,其实真的不是累,虽说好像是很多东西,很多挑战。但是最会另我厌倦的反而是简单繁复。这样的每一天,无论是我在课上跟教授争论,还是在健身房的跑步机上看书,我都自得其乐。关于生活,我还能要求些什么呢?

Sleepless in Seattle



I know it’s been a long time since I wrote my last post, I was travelling in a few cities, Shenzhen,Hongkong,Sanya and Haikou,also spend a few hours in Changsha, meet one friend from high school, I was terribly busy with all these, and now, finally. I’m in America!


Now I just arrived Seattle, and now I’m also in rush.To catch another plane to Atlanta.So see you all very soon!



Beijing is in construction, everywhere it’s like that. But these all stuff give me hope to expect a better city. Like this place, they are building some old style houses near to Nan luogu Xiang(南锣鼓巷), finally I can see the government are not pull down these treasure but rebuilding them. Also like that, my home campus, China women’s university is also in building now, in 90 days, we will have a totally new studying building and canteen! Even though I will not stay here for that any longer, still happy about that. No construction without destruction.

Today Hugo and I had a long walk in Beijing Hutong, I think I will miss Hutong very much. Something really near to life, no hiding, no making up.Of course another reason is there are always some amazing but cheap,even free for students, exhibition in Beijing. I’m really thankful for my time here and absolutely enjoy it.

This is a picture drawing by Hugo, it’s my name,lulu. Thank you so much!

I will leave Beijing soon, but this city will always be one of the most important place to me.

Hot,raining summer

These days are a bit difficult for me.

I replied to CCS that I have already got my visa to USA by the I-20 from MUW. I think it might because this is the first time I tried to apply some university that really interested me, so it was so hard to say no. No matter Ewha or MUW, both are programs in my home campus. Sometimes I was too absorbed by chances near to me and totally in my fighting for them, I ignore those better ones which are not that clear and close.

I thought a lot about my education, I think I will not come back to China Women’s University for the degree after that. First, it’s not very useful for me, I have been never interested in any position in Chinese government which need that degree. Second, if I come back for that, I have to study here for one more year to finish all the course they require. But one year for me could be much better and more meaningful. I have studied here for one and half year, some course are good, but not good enough for my one year time. I could get my interdisciplinary studies degree or any other degree and than apply a much better graduate school.All I want to do is making the best use of my college time.Don’t want to spend time for things that can’t offer me enough and give myself an excuse to be proud and take a rest.

People told me, MUW is not the most exciting place, well, it must be right, but it will be my start in America. After CCS’s positive response, now I realized, I could do much more than that. I could apply to other better University all by myself, and no matter how, I can feel that my road is wider and wider.

I feel so graceful for my chance to Korea. In Ewha, I tried all courses I was interested but didn’t have change to try because of my major in home campus. I took Business Communication, Form and space, Social Psychology, International Law and Korean. I dropped International Law, which was one of my great dreams while found that I can really took some portrait that I never imagine.Because of that semester, I dare to apply an art college and send them my flickr. Jennifer from CCS helped me so much, she forward my email and told me that they liked my flickr and I should apply right away. Today I was invited to a activity about photography and shared my photos and experience behind them. It was quite good, that some people really interested in them and asked my contact.

These days I have finished my visa, and medical exams, I even found time to meet a couchsurfer from France and brought him had a big strange dinner.

But still a lot need to do, my summer holiday, full with effort, eating and sharing now. Just like this summer in Beijing, surprisingly hot and surprisingly heave and much rain.

Good thing is I enjoy this summer.

HongKong and US,I’m coming

Finally I get to my word press. In China, facebook, youtube or word press… not easy to reach to them.

from internet

These days I didn’t get real free time. Ticket to America was bought yesterday and today I went to American embassy for visa. I heard that Chinese passport for US visa is not that easy, but much easier then it used to be. But from my experience, I can only say, it’s really not a big deal.

Yes sure, it’s quite complicated, full with processes before went to embassy.But I surely enjoy my time in the embassy. My appointment with consulate official is 4pm and when I arrive, it was still 1 pm, so I went to immigration office for my visa to Hong Kong, and then in KFC for a coffee. When I go back to US embassy, people were much less. It’s quite interesting that the boy in front of me is a bit nervous so when he recorded the finger print, he made as many mistakes as he could, and it was a very good teaching channel for me. So when I did it, very fast and easy. All these processes were told online, so nothing really surprised me, I was chatting with a student who was going to transfer to University of Washington. It was his second time, he was very calm. We talked about a lot, our university, major and experience. Surprisingly, he was also interested in photography, and he took a photography class in China this summer, his home is quite near to my campus, where I was living these days.

When we finally were told to wait No.20 consulate official, there was one guy there, standing carelessly in front of the window between official. But the official said you talked with me the last time, so this time you should get to another official. Obviously, he was rejected by this one last time.The next one was the nervous boy in the same group with me. He was still nervous, talked long time with official, official was very serious and finally he said”ok,” than it was the Washington boy, experienced, before the official said anything, he greeted,” Hi, how are you?” confidently and friendly. Official asked a few questions and gave him the visa. So now it was me, I still couldn’t believe it was that easy, he barely asked me questions, only three, if the last one counts,”can you speak Korean?” I was almost laugh out, and said” yes, a little bit.” The official said,” I like Korean,too.” Well than, my visa is on its way. Less than 20 seconds, before I realized, it was over.

Before I go to America, I will go to Hong Kong with my parents, I want to travel with them at least once before I leave. While growing up, my time sharing with them becomes fewer and fewer. So I organize this travel for them, as a gift.